"In saracia sentimentelor si gandurilor mele, cuvintele tineau loc de orice, erau forma lasitatii mele in fata realitatii celei adevarate, forma labartata de a fi a cuiva care nu e, care se face ca e, care-si cauta un inlocuitor, imaginea isterica a deficitului meu de viata."

joi, 18 aprilie 2013

A little piece of heaven.

Pick 5 bands you love before reading the questions.
1.Three Days Grace
2.Escape the Fate
3.Breaking Benjamin
4.Bullet for My Valentine
5.My Chemical Romance

What was the first song you ever heard by 1? Gone forever

How did you find out about 4?
Uhm, a friend told me something like: "Quit this A7X crap. Go listen to Bullet."

Favorite Lyrics of 3?
"Put me to sleep, Evil Angel. Open your wings, Evil Angel. Fly over me Evil Angel. Why can't I breath Evil Angel?"

Favorite song by 5?

What is your favorite song by 1?
Last to know. 

When did you first get into 2?
In the Chemistry Camp. Weird, hm? 

How did you get into 3?
I'll just say that it was "love" at first sight.

What’s your favorite song by 4?
Damn it, all of them. I can say that maybe the acoustic version of "The last fight" or "The poison".\

Is there a song by 3 that makes you sad?
Dance with the devil. It makes me wanna cry without a reason.

Whats your favorite song of 2?
World around me. And... Ungrateful. But it's kind of difficult to choose.

Favorite band members from each of them?

Three Days Grace - Adam Gontier

Escape the Fate - Craig Mabbitt
Breaking Benjamin - Ben Burnley
Bullet for My Valentine - Matthew Tuck
My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way

Favorite album from 2?
Self-titled album, "Escape the Fate"

Have you ever seen 1 live?
Fuck no. But I wish it like hell. 

Eu fac lepşe când ar trebui să învăţ. Mâine am teză la istorie din enşpe mii de pagini. But who cares? Mintea mea e plină de muzică. Şi de versuri. Bine, poate şi de Războiul de Independenţă al României, dar asta e doar teoretic. Aşa, iar in week-fucked-up-end-ul ăsta, chiar dacă sâmbătă mă duc la şcoala, voi schimba aspectul blogului. M-am total plictisit de ăsta, iar uneori schimbarea e bună. Acum sper să am ceva idei.

Just sayin'

3 comentarii:

  1. Faină leapşaa!:*

    P.S:Şi mie îmi place mult Three Days Grace!

  2. Tot ce pot să spun e că ai gusturi ;)
    Şi la naiba! I love the acoustic version of The last fight too!!


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